Visiting Us
Visiting vessels
Before entering the harbour, please contact the Harbour Office for berthing advice using call sign "WEYMOUTH HARBOUR" on VHF channel 12.
If arriving during 'silent hours', please follow our berthing guidance map in the Useful Information section at the bottom of this page.
Most of our visitor berths here in Weymouth are alongside floating pontoons, so you'll find a vibrant and friendly community atmosphere awaits you! If you have any special requirements please let us know and we'll try our best to accomodate you.
Visitor bookings can be taken in advance: they will be available from midday and need to be vacated before midday the following day/on scheduled day of departure. Please complete the form via the link below if you would like to make a booking:
Visiting Leisure Craft 2024
Per 24hrs, arrival and departure 12:00 noon, per metre; a part of a metre is rounded up to the nearest metre. Charity rate is available on request. |
£4.00 | £3.05 |
Vessels over 23m (up to 23m charged as above, each metre over 23m charged as follows) | £8.00 | £6.10 |
The use of showers and water is included in the above berthing fees. Short Stay fee is for a maximum of 2 hours. No return visit within 2 hours, charges apply for each short stay visit. Any stay beyond 2 hours will be charged at the applicable daily rate.
Fuelling only at berth (max 1hr) | £6.00 |
Vessels up to 8m | £8.00 |
Vessels 8 - 12m | £10.50 |
Vessels over 12m | £12.50 |
Commercial vessels* | £15.00 |
* Passenger prices also apply if passengers embarking/disembarking.
Plug-in charge for electricity for up to 24 hours (subject to change if supply price changes), allocated on a first come, first served basis and extension leads are available for the duration of your stay. Electricity supplies over 32 amp are charged at unit used rate.
16 amp supply | £3.30 |
*32 amp supply rate per unit | £0.38 |
*63 amp supply rate per unit |
£0.38 |
*For vessels requiring a 32 amp or 63 amp electricity supply, please contact the Harbour Office to obtain an electric Smartcard.
Useful Information
Our shower facilities are open 24 hours via a pin code lock. This code can be obtained from the Berthing Office upon arrival.
All vessels should hold appropriate third party insurance cover whilst visiting the Port of Weymouth and a minimum cover value of £2,000,000 is requested.
Most of our visitor berths are alongside floating pontoons with gangway access ashore. If you arrive during silent hours, please proceed to a suitable berth as shown on the chart below, or raft out on a vessel of a similar length and type:

- Vessels of 1.5m draft max only to berth on the south side of the harbour (the Cove) and adhere to mooring signage
- Vessels over 10 metres, please berth on the north side, either opposite Lifeboat Station or outside Harbour Office
- For larger craft (over 18m), advanced notice of your arrival will give us an opportunity to try and make a suitable space