Weymouth Harbour Walls - Works Update
20 January 2020
Weymouth Harbour Wall Works - update for Harbour Users
Work has been progressing well and the contractor is on schedule for completion by mid-February.
Progress update – what was done in December
The contractor completed percussive piling at the end of November, however, due to finding an obstruction under the bed they had two remaining piles to place. This needed some engineering solutions to resolve the problem which was completed by 13 December. The contractor has now completed all concrete infilling between the existing and new sheet piling. The backfilling of the excavation behind the existing wall has been taking place and quay furniture such as bollards, safety ladders and safety chains have been installed. The Contractor worked especially hard to deal with challenges (such as repairing existing structures) to ensure that work was completed to a safe point before the Christmas shutdown.
Progress to completion – what will be happening between now and mid-February
The last capping beam pour, where the new concrete quay edge is poured into a cast until it dries, will be done around 24 Jan. The Ferry Steps will also be placed. The crane has to remain in operation to safely remove the equipment that holds the concrete capping beam in place, whilst the concrete hardens. We expect that the crane will be dismantled and removed at the beginning of February. The contractor plans to work on the area, where the kiosk was, at the end of January. Re-instatement, traffic management measures and the temporary offices are planned to be removed probably by 14 February. Work up to about 7 February will still involve machinery and general construction noise, however, the large crane and concrete pumps will no longer be used from the end of January / first week of February.
Will the project face further obstacles?
There are still some risks to manage which have the potential to impact this programme, however, significant hurdles have been passed now. The Contractor is expected to complete the work according to the agreed programme, however, progress is weather dependant. Some of the heavy plant machinery being used, such as the crane, can only be used within certain wind conditions, so these recent storms are not helping. The only solution would have been to complete the work in the warmer months, but this would have caused too much disruption to businesses and tourism.
Thank you!
Finally thank you to all harbour users for your patience. Thanks for bearing with the works, which as you know are vital to maintain our historic harbour.
If you have any specific questions please email: weymouthharbourwalls@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.