Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour

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11 Jul 2024

Site Works Update

While the project is all but complete, there are still some final works required to bring the area online and ready for use. The project has faced numerous challenges, the single largest outstanding of these is connection of the site to the National Grid. Until this takes place, much of the site, including automated gates, landing quay cranes, ice making facility and cold storage units are without power and unable to be commissioned. However, Scottish & Southern Electricity (SSE) have ... Read more...
5 Jul 2024

Staying safe at Weymouth Pleasure Pier

The views at Weymouth's pleasure pier are a sight to behold and for generations this local beauty spot has attracted visitors for the thrill of pier jumping, as well as the scenery. The problem is, things have changed - the pleasure pier is not a safe area in which to swim or jump these days... Learn more from Ed and the team in our short film about safety at the pleasure pier: Harbour Safety (youtube.com) Read more...
21 Jun 2024

Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group

Minutes from the last Harbour Consultative Group meeting in May are now available to read online. The HCG represent the variety of harbour users, communities and external organisations that have an interest in the harbour, so it is worth finding out who your local representative is: Harbour Consultative Group (weymouth-harbour.co.uk) Read more...
21 Jun 2024

Vessel for Sale

FOR SALE Blue 5.8m Hurley Alacrity ‘Tubb’ BM 2.15m DT 0.60m Fibreglass mono hull. If you would like to arrange a viewing please contact the Moorings or Berthing Officers on 01305 838423. Please note that the mooring is not included, but other berths may be available. Bids in excess of £2,000 can be submitted by Friday 12th July to weymouthharbournews@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk For more photos check out the post on our Facebook page. Read more...
23 May 2024

LNTM 07/24 Firework Displays Weymouth Bay

Please see the following local notice to mariners for fireworks displays taking place in Weymouth Bay commencing July 2024: LNTM 07/24 Firework Displays Weymouth Bay Read more...