Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour

Weymouth on the water; thrill rides and jet-ski tours

Weymouth on the Water

Thrill Rides - Head out of the serenity of the harbour and into an adreniline fuelled ride around Weymouth Bay, prepare yourself for an exhilirating ride!

weymouth bay rib rides

Phone 07872 140753 Website www.weymouthbayribcharters.co.uk/


Phone 07894 917570 Website www.thunderbolt-classic.com/

Jet-Ski Tours - Unique opportunities to take guided jet-ski tours along some of the 95 miles that make up the Jurassic Coastline. Trips run up to Durdle Door or Church Ope Cove, Portland.

jurassic jet ski tours

Phone 07470 686138 Website www.jurassicjetskitours.co.uk/